A lot has happened since this blog site first opened up to the back in November of 2019. I can thankfully say that the road ahead seems a lot less bumpy for myself and many of the readers and supporters of this My Undocu Life.
You can read the intro to the blog here: Welcome to My Undocu Life
Some of the my favorite things have been meeting so many amazing peers in the undocu space that have been willing to share their personal stories and thoughts about the many ongoings in the U.S. I am grateful to have met them and to be able to share their content with all of you. I am excited to continue evolving this site.
After thinking about this site and its purpose, I concluded that it will not try to be a reactionary site to all current events but rather a space for anyone in the undocu space to share their thoughts without an agenda enforced by a traditional news media outlet.
This is our narrative and always will be. If you want to learn more about how to become a contributor please take a look at this article: Share Your Story
The beginning of January 2021 was not the best. The U.S. Capitol riots was a shocking event. I can share that it has made me weary of people anywhere I go now. With the pandemic, I already express caution when I’m out and encounter maskless people but I am not even more cautious with the fact that approximately ONE in TWO U.S. citizens voted for Trump in the November 2020 election. That means that there is a lot of potential that I encounter someone that is okay with a racist, fascist, and cruel person as the president. That is scary to me, but I remain hopeful that we still have over 81 million people that turned out to vote for Biden and Harris. Over 81 million people want change and we will hold our government accountable.
With that said, I want to express how happy I am that in just TWO more DAYS, less than 48 hours as I type this article, we will have a new President of the United States along with our first woman, Black woman and Asian woman Vice President!
I will be celebrating the new term with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the forefront of our nation. We can be better and the voice of the people must guide our nation’s direction.
Stay safe, and keep tuned to further developments for the My Undocu Life site. I have some ideas of potentially releasing our first merchandise with the goal to direct any money raised to organizations that directly invest and assist our undocumented community.