Welcome to My Undocu Life

Adult Oscar overseeing the Grand Canyon 2019

My Undocu Life began in early 2019 as a hopeful idea. I wanted to create a platform that would share many individual’s narratives. I wanted the world to hear our narratives directly from the source. This idea snowballed when I met David Cazares later in the year. David created the spark I needed to get this project going with his story. I knew that the project could provide a great outlet for our undocumented narratives in the U.S.

Almost a year later, as I update this intro post, we’ve had contributions from 5 individuals that have shown great courage in sharing their narratives. We’ve had over 1,800 visitors, close to 3,800 page views, and 20 posts.

This is just the beginning. I recently heard that we sometimes overestimate what we can do in a year but underestimate what can be done in a decade. I can’t say that I expected the success we’ve had in this past year, but we will continue to capitalize on what we’ve accomplished already.

To all our undocu peers, hang in there, keep pushing forward, and be proud of your narrative.

To all our readers, thank you. Here are some posts that can get you going:

4 thoughts on “Welcome to My Undocu Life”

  1. I loved it primo. I’m interested in reading more about you and what made you who you are today. A strong individual whom is admirable and brave can’t wait for more 👍🏻

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