Oscar Romero

Recursos en Español sobre COVID-19

Solicitar recursos financieros (Request financial resources): Ubicación Organización Enlace US Techqueria https://bit.ly/tq-fund-app US undocuscholars https://bit.ly/3aKwNm4 US Cosecha https://bit.ly/2wwdbmM US Mi Para Ti https://bit.ly/2Y8yuWS US Immigrant Neighbor Fund https://bit.ly/2Wcp5Mr North Carolina, US CWS Durham https://bit.ly/34dM8sN Solicitar recursos en especie (Request resources in kind): Ubicación Organización Enlace North Carolina, US Ministerio Episcopal para los Trabajadores del Campo

Recursos en Español sobre COVID-19 Read More »

What is Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)?

I realized that not all my visitors may be aware of what Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is and how it makes my specific story as an undocumented, “DACAmented” individual different from someone that is still fully undocumented. At the bottom of my explanation I will link some resources to further read on what

What is Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)? Read More »