Feature: The Racist Origin of “Mixed” Race in Central and South America
Many of my fellow Native Americans from south of the U.S. border suffer from an identity crisis when I reveal the truth of their race; many “Hispanics” and “Latinx” are Native American.
Feature: El Origen Racista de la Raza “Mixta” en América Central y América del Sur
Muchos de mis compañeros Nativos Americanos del sur de la frontera de los Estados Unidos sufren una crisis de identidad cuando les revelo la verdad sobre su raza; muchos “Hispanos” y “Latinos” son Nativos Americanos.
Reaction To Election 2020
How do you feel? Are you okay? These are some of the questions I received before and after November 3rd. I had no idea how to answer except just saying “I am okay.” Mostly because I would probably go down a rabbit hole, which I didn’t think would do anyone any good. It would make…