
  • Share Your Story

    Share Your Story

    First, kudos to my great friend Eriana Gonzalez for this post’s featured image.  I’ve dreamt that my blog could become more than just mine and host stories from around the US and maybe in the future around the globe. If you’re interested in being featured, please read on!  Ways to contribute include writing a short blurb…

  • Recursos en Español sobre COVID-19

    Solicitar recursos financieros (Request financial resources): Ubicación Organización Enlace US Techqueria https://bit.ly/tq-fund-app US undocuscholars https://bit.ly/3aKwNm4 US Cosecha https://bit.ly/2wwdbmM US Mi Para Ti https://bit.ly/2Y8yuWS US Immigrant Neighbor Fund https://bit.ly/2Wcp5Mr North Carolina, US CWS Durham https://bit.ly/34dM8sN Solicitar recursos en especie (Request resources in kind): Ubicación Organización Enlace North Carolina, US Ministerio Episcopal para los Trabajadores del Campo…

  • Why Haven’t I Applied for Citizenship Yet?

    Why Haven’t I Applied for Citizenship Yet?

    Intro Green Card Eligibility My Pathways to Citizenship Citizenship through Marriage to a US Citizen Citizenship through Military Service Thank You Intro UPDATE: Thanks to so many that have connected with me after sharing my Facebook post: My Harsh Reality and +700,000 Others. I want to give a shout out to Juan Zapata for sharing his…